Autumn colours in 北の丸公園

紅葉 こうよう
There is a special word in Japanese for autumn colours: 紅葉 こうよう, which means the intense red/brown colours at the end of the summer season. These kanji are also sometimes pronounced as もみじ,when reminiscent of the Japanese maple colours; same meaning.

紅葉 こうよう

 あき   aki  Autumn or Fall

 あき   aki  Autumn or Fall

 あき   aki  Autumn or Fall

紅葉 こうよう
 あき   aki  Autumn or Fall

紅葉 こうよう
 あき   aki  Autumn or Fall

紅葉狩り もみじがり Autumn Leaves Viewing

People will make special trips to just see the autumn colours at their very best. This is similar to the spring custom of cherry blossom viewing: 花見 はなみ.

With gratitude to Akiko 

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