Category Archives: 01 FL 015 Japanese-style room

501 Zabuton 座布団 ざぶとん

yonmai no zabuton
four zabuton cushions

よんまいの ざぶとん
yonmai no zabuton
four zabuton cushions

じゅうまいの ざぶとん
mai no zabuton
ten zabuton cushions

まいの ざぶとん
nimai no zabuton
two zabuton cushions

よんまいの ざぶとん
yonmai no zabuton
four zabuton cushions

まいの ざぶとん
nimai no zabuton
two zabuton cushions

いちまいの ざぶとん
ichimai no zabuton
one zabuton cushion

いちまいの ドーナツ
ichimai no dōnatsu
one doughnut (cushion)

ろくまいの ざぶとん
rokumai no zabuton
six zabuton cushions

いちまいの ざぶとん
ichimai no zabuton
one zabuton cushion

まいの ざぶとんの いす
gomai no zabuton no isu
five zabuton cushions chair

なんまいの ざぶとんの カバー
nanmai no zabuton no kabaa
how ever many cushion covers

いちまいの ざぶとんに すわっています
ichimai no zabuton ni suwatte imasu
sitting on one cushion



a rakugo story teller

ざぶとんに すわっています
zabuton ni suwatte imasu
sitting on a cushion

smart cat

さんまいの ざぶとん
sanmai no zabuton
three cushions

pup is still learning…

いちまい ざぶとんを さがしています
ichimai no zabuton o sagashite imasu
looking for one cushion

old dog, old trick

まいの ざぶとんに ねています
nimai no zabuton ni nete imasu
sleeping on two cushions

musical cushions!

nanmai mo!
how ever many!

oh, what fun – anyone can play!

じゅうさんまいの ざぶとんの ゲーム

jūsanmai no zabuton no geemu
thirteen zabuton cushions game


  1. いちまい ichimai
  2. にまい nimai
  3. さんまい sanmai
  4. よんまい yonmai
  5. ごまい gomai
  6. ろくまい rokumai
  7. ななまい nanamai
  8. はちまい hachimai
  9. きゅうまい kyūmai
  10. じゅうまい mai

Tatami  たたみ

Tatami たたみ

Note the standard size of tatami. This means that all rooms in a house must be designed according to standardised measurements, otherwise the tatami wouldn’t fit. Rooms are measured according to the number of tatami in the space: six-tatami room, four-and-a-half-tatami room etc. The counter for tatami is jō  じょう.

The soft green colour indicates that these are new tatami. With age they discolour to brown. Of course, after a few years one could turn the tatami mats upside down, so you have another lease of life out of your flooring. We wonder if it would be possible to turn western carpet upside down for another few years of usage?! There’s an idea!

Often people put (news)paper directly under the tatami just to cut out any small draughts.

Try not to walk on the edges as this would speed up wear and tear.

にほんま nihonma 日本間
わしつ washitsu 和室 

Japanese-style room

eight-tatami room

There is a standardised pattern for laying out tatami.

The little square on the left is where the hibachi would be, should the owners wish to have a traditional Japanese tea ceremony. Furniture would be moved out of the way and zabuton could be brought in to sit on. Of course, the room could also be used for futon.

A mixture of the modern and the traditional. The square under the table could be removed to show an enclosed pit, in which one could dangle the legs when sitting at the table. (See kotatsu).

These days hard foam is an easy substitute

ざいす zaisu
chair for tatami matting

Interesting internal link

Tokonoma 床の間 とこのま

Tokonoma 床の間 とこのま

This is a very traditional Japanese-style room. Perhaps what is unusual is the double tokonoma spaces. Usually one is used as a おしいれ (oshiire), or storage space for ふとん (futon) bedding. However, the usual かけじく (scroll) and ぼんさい(bonsai plant) are there. The tatami is beautiful with the desk and the cushions (ざぶとん). Usually there would be soft cushions; in summer a cooler type may be used. On he right hand side one can just see the sliding door (ふすま). The light (でんき) is the typical neon light, which tends to stay on all day long!

Tokonoma 床の間 とこのま

Tokonoma 床の間 とこのま

Tokonoma 床の間 とこのま

Tokonoma 床の間 とこのま

Tokonoma 床の間 とこのま

Tokonoma 床の間 とこのま

Tokonoma 床の間 とこのま

Here is a link to beautiful photos of bonsai in a tokonoma.
(Phoenix Bonsai Society)