Category Archives: KD 4-089 Lounge

Tokonoma 床の間 とこのま

Tokonoma 床の間 とこのま

This is a very traditional Japanese-style room. Perhaps what is unusual is the double tokonoma spaces. Usually one is used as a おしいれ (oshiire), or storage space for ふとん (futon) bedding. However, the usual かけじく (scroll) and ぼんさい(bonsai plant) are there. The tatami is beautiful with the desk and the cushions (ざぶとん). Usually there would be soft cushions; in summer a cooler type may be used. On he right hand side one can just see the sliding door (ふすま). The light (でんき) is the typical neon light, which tends to stay on all day long!

Tokonoma 床の間 とこのま

Tokonoma 床の間 とこのま

Tokonoma 床の間 とこのま

Tokonoma 床の間 とこのま

Tokonoma 床の間 とこのま

Tokonoma 床の間 とこのま

Tokonoma 床の間 とこのま

Here is a link to beautiful photos of bonsai in a tokonoma.
(Phoenix Bonsai Society)