Category Archives: Mirai 2-063

Snakes 蛇 へび hebi

Snakes   蛇 へび

Although snakes are very rare in the cities (except in some people’s terrariums), they are still very much everywhere in the countryside. We have seen the odd one in large temple grounds and greenery. Farmers may see a snake on their land. Snakes are fortunately very weary of people, so you would have to search for them in the rice fields or in mountain forests, if you wanted to see one. The chance that you’ll see a snake is very unlikely though.

蛇 へび hebi

hard to spot – just as well

noble work – just not quite ours…

medicinal?!… yeah… right…

Snakes are of course fascinating for people who live in a country where there are no snakes. Can you believe it?!  Yes, it’s wonderful, because you can go outside anywhere and not have to worry about something venomous.

If you yelled “hebi へび” in a Japanese shop, it would be empty in no time. If you yelled “snake!” where we are, people would call out “where? Can I have a look?” Goes to show…