Category Archives: KD 4-052 Wind

Wind Cold 風 かぜ

The word 風 かぜ kaze has three different meanings. The first two refer to the sound and the picture. It means “wind”, but it could also mean “a cold”. The idea simple means that you catch the wind and therefore you catch a cold. In English we also say “we caught a draft”, meaning “we caught a cold”.  

The third meaning is related, but in this context it means “style”. Think of it as “the style the wind brings in” – you feel it, but you cannot see it.

Here are three examples:

watashi wa kaze o hikimashita
I caught a cold.

soto wa tsuyoi kaze ga fuite imasu
There is a strong wind blowing outside.

わふう – ようふう
wafū – yōfū
Japanese-style – western-style