Category Archives: 701 Comparissons

701 Not as… ほど…

A is not as (whatever) as B.
beautiful, just beautiful…


In the making of these plates no animals were harmed. However, some brand names were challenged, some prejudices were exposed, our friends don’t talk to us any more, the cat is annoyed and wants to join the union, we want a new veranda like the one over the Grand Canyon and the pantry is full of baked beans. We want a tiara as well.

701 About the same おなじ ぐらい onaji gurai

 about the same  おなじ ぐらい

Here you can compare two things and see if they are about the same. This is the pattern and you only need to change the pictures or the adjective to suit your question or statement. Of course, they are, or they are not depending on the situation. We would think that a Ferrari is more expensive than a Smart car. Similarly, a tiara would be pricier too, wouldn’t it? Not that we know, because we don’t have one, but it is safe to assume so:
Here are the same pictures, but by changing the adjectives, or the question, the meaning changes completely:
Ask a silly question – get a silly answer…
 about the same  おなじぐらい

Bullet train models  新幹線のモデル しんかんせんのもでる

すご~い でんしゃ
amazing train

Stunning!                  すご~い!


もっと はやい

もっと スムーズ

もっと きれい
more beautiful

もっと べんり
more convenient

もっと たくさんの ひと
more people

もっと けいざいてき
more economical

いちばん はやい

つぎの モデル
next model

とても きれい
very beautiful

もっと たくさんのひと
more people

わーー すごい!
ah~~ amazing!

グリーンカー  ぐりーんかー
Green Car [= First Class]

The Green Clover leaf next to the door indicates First Class

また すごい!
again amazing!

I want to ride on it!

beautiful, isn’t it!

JR700 model