Category Archives: To teach 教える

To teach 教える

Gold Light Teaching

It is interesting to know that the Japanese idea of church is 教会 きょうかい “teaching meeting”. This is quite important, because it makes it very clear that someone teaches 教えます おしえます (passing on information) and the other one has to make an effort to accept it. There is a great sense of responsibility and effort on both sides. 

The word teacher 教師 きょうし is not used in a classroom situation, or in a social context. This word means teacher as a profession. The word in conversation is elder 先生 せんせい. Hence it is used for doctors and for politicians (every culture has some odd aspects…)

kirisuto-kyō to yudaya-kyō
The Christian Faith and the Jewish Faith

The following text contains even versus… 
Let’s say “they are being compared”…  
should you be looking for something…

kirisuto-kyō to yudaya-kyō
The Christian Faith and the Jewish Faith

And another one. This one offers understanding.

This one understands it already…

This one offers a DVD

Hindu Religion

Anyway the long and the short of it is that this kanji is associated with teaching and consequently is seen most often in religious writings of all kinds.
教育 きょういく kyōiku

Education: Teach and Grow Up

That’s about the summary of it all.