Category Archives: Mirai 2-089

Mitsukoshi Department Store 三 越 デパート みつこし デパート

Mitsukoshi is a well-known brand name for quality shopping. The department store chain has many branches, but perhaps the best known branch is the one in the Ginza. It is a huge building with many floors in the most expensive real estate streets in the world. When you shop at Mitsukoshi you get quality and that’s what you pay for. If you buy your gift there, you are not “stingy”.

Behind the famous blue ‘noren’ lies of world that equals shopping paradise. Mind you, it is a shopping heaven within reach for the middle class customer.

Mitsukoshi is such a huge company that it can afford to have its own credit department. Gold or Platinum, Ma’am? For certain products, the large department stores have an advertising, possibly subletting arrangement with big brand names. These photos show German Loewe, French Le Tanneur, Italian Louis Vuitton etc. to their advantage.

Mitsukoshi also takes care of the needs of the ‘Inner Customer’; they provide quality restaurants, amazing groceries and bakery departments – you name it!

The food and the service is perfect. Despite the size of the building as a whole, each department is housed in a subsection that gives the idea of a more personalised home setting. Hence one feels one is walking through a small shopping village. All staff are waiting just for you:

You’re welcome!    
よく  いらっしゃいました。
yoku irasshaimashita

In the larger central reception areas special events are held. It could be an ikebana exhibition, a bonsai display with commentary, or as in this case, a young opera star aiming to make his fame and fortune. Customers will enjoy a free concert and feel refreshed after such an event. In western department stores one might see a ordinary car display of a ‘latest’ model. The Japanese prefer something more special and educational. Anyway, cars are not that sophisticated.

Mixing of religious ideas, as long as it impresses!

The perfect set of Hinamatsuri dolls. Good quality dolls could set you back a few hundred thousand yen. 

Have you been to the Italian Fair already? Here’s your chance!

Mr Piaget will help you with your diamond needs.

They even have a garden centre where they can advise you on your gardening needs – in the middle of Tokyo! Maybe it is more your veranda needs, or your balcony requirements… Whichever. All gardening needs will be taken care of.

Back to food again!

And fashion…

Well… OK, one car at the back somewhere! 
But it had better be a very good one though!

Anyone for antiques, or antique-looking furniture?

Bonus payment celebration time! Long live the wallet!

Twice a year at bonus time, one needs to buy presents for all people who have helped you achieve your present, well-deserved state of happiness. The department store is prepared and many presents are pre-packaged. We have one here, just like that one, all wrapped up waiting for you!

Here is that lovely furoshiki! Pure silk! Very dignified!

Here are those yummy delicacies for your ‘bestest‘ friend!

Here are those cute, fluffy toys for your grandchildren!

Here is that gorgeous matching shopping bag for the discerning housewife!

How could winter be brutal? 
Winter at Mitsukoshi is cosy and warm and friendly!

Tatami  たたみ

Tatami たたみ

Note the standard size of tatami. This means that all rooms in a house must be designed according to standardised measurements, otherwise the tatami wouldn’t fit. Rooms are measured according to the number of tatami in the space: six-tatami room, four-and-a-half-tatami room etc. The counter for tatami is jō  じょう.

The soft green colour indicates that these are new tatami. With age they discolour to brown. Of course, after a few years one could turn the tatami mats upside down, so you have another lease of life out of your flooring. We wonder if it would be possible to turn western carpet upside down for another few years of usage?! There’s an idea!

Often people put (news)paper directly under the tatami just to cut out any small draughts.

Try not to walk on the edges as this would speed up wear and tear.

にほんま nihonma 日本間
わしつ washitsu 和室 

Japanese-style room

eight-tatami room

There is a standardised pattern for laying out tatami.

The little square on the left is where the hibachi would be, should the owners wish to have a traditional Japanese tea ceremony. Furniture would be moved out of the way and zabuton could be brought in to sit on. Of course, the room could also be used for futon.

A mixture of the modern and the traditional. The square under the table could be removed to show an enclosed pit, in which one could dangle the legs when sitting at the table. (See kotatsu).

These days hard foam is an easy substitute

ざいす zaisu
chair for tatami matting

Interesting internal link

Storage chest or cabinet たんす tansu 

箪笥 tansu たんす  a storage chest

箪笥 tansu たんす  a storage chest
箪笥 tansu たんす  a storage chest

箪笥 tansu たんす  a storage chest

箪笥 tansu たんす  a storage chest

箪笥 tansu たんす  a storage chest

This one is for obvious reasons a so-called かいだんだんす = stairs chest

箪笥 tansu たんす  a storage chest

In English we might call this a tall-boy chest

箪笥 tansu たんす  a storage chest

箪笥 tansu たんす  a storage chest