Category Archives: KD 3-057 なadjectives

Japanese adjectives using colours



(Most blackboards in Japan are actually green-boards)

Snow White and Batman





This whole apple thing is a bit weird, admittedly. There is little we can do about it, but in general conversation Japanese green apples are called ‘blue apples’. Absolutely no-one says 緑のりんご midori no ringo. People would look at you and think you’re missing the plot somewhere. So let’s not miss the plot and join them in their confusion, but deep-down we know better! Ha-ha!


“Little blue apples in the summertime…”

– nah…     just not the same…









Paulownia Flowers


Wisteria Flowers



Illustration from the famous fairy tale



a grey bunny and a grey dog






鼠 ねずみ nezumi = mouse