Category Archives: KD 4-062 Policeman

Omawarisan おまわりさん friendly local policeman policewoman

Your friendly neighbourhood policeman/policewoman

“Hi, you guys!  Today I am going to talk to you about traffic.
Traffic is dangerous and you need to be careful…”

“Ossifer, is that to beat bad people?”

“Well, that helps me sort bad people… 
but, let’s talk about traffic today.”

“Don’t worry, Mrs Yamada, we’ll find that snake for you.
It must be here somewhere under that bonsai pot…
Let’s have a look.”

She’s lost her bike.
I’ll give her a ring and then she can collect it.

“Remember, we were talking about traffic…
Today we’re talking about seat belts…”

Note that the official word for policeman is:

けいさつかん  or abbreviated to  けいかん
keisatsukan                                             keikan

Also check out the word こうばん kōban