Category Archives: Oki Islands

Oki Islands, off the coast of Shimane 西ノ島(隠岐)

にしのしま   おき
nishinoshima          (Oki)

The famous bulls of Oki
(see link for bull fighting at bottom of page)

 摩天崖  まてんがい matengai
Matengai Cliff 
the highest sea cliff in Japan

 通天橋 つうてんきょう tsūtenkyō

Tsūten Arch

焼火神社 たくひじんじゃ takuhi-jinja

Takuhi Shrine – the oldest shrine in Oki 
Part of this shrine is in a cave in the mountainside

外浜海水浴場 そとはまかいすいよくじょう

Sotohama Bathing Beach

観音岩 かんのんいわ  kannon-iwa

Kannon Rock

Oki Islands

For more information:   Nishinoshima

Bull fighting