Category Archives: 203b Dislikes

School lunches 給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

In Japan school lunches are provided and compulsory for students, so each child will have had a healthy lunch every day. This practice is instilled from the earliest Primary School years. 

Every day the menu changes, so over a long period of time students get a balanced diet. It also curbs the annoying desire of children to express the “I don’t like this” and “I don’t like that” and “I don’t eat that”. Mind you, not as annoying as parents who decide for their children that they don’t like something! Unless there is a sound medical reason, they all eat it. Annoying too when you think about the fact that one billion people in the world experience hunger at some stage during the day… OK… Let’s move on:

These photos will give you an idea of what Japanese school lunches look like:

High in iron, protein, omega; rice, soup, milk, seaweed, 
salmon, fruit, spinach, pickles. Notice: no sugar!

げつようび の きゅうしょく
getsuyōbi no kyūshoku
Monday’s school lunch

給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

Cheese, rice, kimchee (originally Korean), quail eggs, soup, milk. Notice: no sugar!

かようび の きゅうしょく
kayōbi no kyūshoku
Tuesday’s school lunch

給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

すいようび の きゅうしょく
suiyōbi no kyūshoku
Wednesday’s school lunch
給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

Have you noticed that every day the students have soup of some sort? That’s because research has shown that soup is easier to break down in the stomach and it does so more slowly. Students won’t feel so hungry so soon. Again: no added sugar! How great is that for children!

もくようび の きゅうしょく
mokuyōbi no kyūshoku
Thursday’s school lunch
給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

きんようび の きゅうしょく
kinyōbi no kyūshoku
Friday’s school lunch

給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

We’ll just start on another week’s lunch:

げつようび の きゅうしょく
getsuyōbi no kyūshoku
Monday’s school lunch
給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

かようび の きゅうしょく
kayōbi no kyūshoku
Tuesday’s school lunch

給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

すいようび の きゅうしょく
suiyōbi no kyūshoku
Wednesday’s school lunch

給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

Do we see some repetition here?

もくようび の きゅうしょく
mokuyōbi no kyūshoku
Thursday’s school lunch
給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

That’s a boiled egg on the left there – all prepacked.
きんようび の きゅうしょく
kinyōbi no kyūshoku
Friday’s school lunch

給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

So there you have it: two weeks of school lunches in a Japanese primary school. All lunches have some rice prepared in a slightly different way. They all have a soup of some sort to help with the digestion. They all have an extra carton of milk. They all have some meat or fish to supplement. They all have some vegetables and pickles and it all fits on an easy tray to make distribution in class easy.

Enjoy your meal!

給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

The photos were provided by S. Lowry, Japan. We are most grateful for his efforts.

203 Dislike 嫌い きらい

This is your favourite HATE page! 
Yeah! Get rid of your angst!
Don’t hold back! Deny reality! Bully the world! (No, don’t!)
Green peas – Hate!


 […cuz we wonder what the science teacher thinks of you….cuz ..]


Hate is like barbed wire            (These are “deep” words)
It is usually very difficult for Japanese people to say they don’t like something, let alone to say they really dislike it, or to say they hate it. Offending someone else is a serious matter. In a crowded country where everyone looks after everyone, you don’t want to make an enemy of everyone. Makes sense doesn’t it? So… Japanese people sit on those emotions. They cover them up. They brood over them. They get rid of them on Facebook! They don’t deal with them.
But there are some seriously frustrated Japanese people. Some people in history have flipped their lid. Yes, every so often one reads in the newspaper that it was all too much for someone. The answer: don’t let it become a festering sore – go and seek help. There are good people out there who know about these emotions and who can help.


This is a summary of two pages:
The dislikeable logic of carrots
No, you’re not ‘kirai‘ – you’re ‘kirei‘!
(well… your mother thinks so… )
No, you’re cute!
Definitely very cute!
Very cute – don’t be sad!
You’re not ‘kirai’!
You’re pretty!
You’re ‘kirei’!
We lo~ve birds!

Phew, that was close!
Don’t wanna make that mistake too often…

Ssssh! Quiet! It was a genuine mistake!