Category Archives: 05 LP 019 Earthquake

Aftermath, 津波 つなみ Tsunami 地震 じしん Jishin Earthquake

How can we forget these pictures?! We cannot and we must not. Yet amidst all that despair and devastation there are now signs of hope and survival against all odds, signs of struggle to come up again. It has been an extremely difficult time for the Japanese of North Eastern Japan, yet changes are coming – slowly, it would appear, but they are coming. We found some signs of hope:

But they are laughing and enjoying each other’s company again.


Hope  希望 きぼう kibō

Here is an amazing link to a most informative site:

These photos published in the NZ Herald clearly show how matters have moved along, although much work still remains. Not to mention the immense suffering that survivors are still facing and will continue to face for many years to come.

Earthquakes 地震 じしん


11 March 2011 Sendai Earthquake

a horror unfolding

20000 lives lost and still counting…

first there is shock and horror…

then there is just desolation… 

Sendai Airport’s runways

and then there is almost endless sorrow…



and more and more destruction,
unbelievable destruction

As far away as Tokyo and Yokohama the quake
is felt and damage is recorded

the subsequent drama that unfolded:

the Fukushima nuclear power plants’ disaster

The drama continues still now…