Category Archives: 101 Katakana

Hiragana Katakana

If you are looking for the page where you can find factual information about the origin of hiragana and katakana as it is derived from kanji, then you need to follow this link:

If you just want an easy way to remember them (without kanji) then just read on.  Good luck!

Here are two sets of syllabaries overwritten to show an easy link to help you remember the shape of the katakana.

a あ ア

i い イ

u う ウ

e え エ

o お オ

ka か カ

ki  き キ

ku く ク 

ke け ケ 

ko こ コ 

 sa さ サ

 shi し シ

su す ス 

se せ セ

so そ ソ

ta た タ 

 chi ち チ

tsu つ ツ 

 te て テ

 to と ト

na な ナ 

 ni に ニ

nu ぬ ヌ 

ne ね ネ 

no の ノ 

ha は ハ 

hi ひ ヒ 

fu ふ フ

he へ ヘ 

ho ほ ホ 

ma ま マ 

 mi み ミ

mu む ム 

me め メ

mo も モ

ya や ヤ 

yu ゆ ユ 

yo よ ヨ

ra ら ラ 

ri り リ 

ru る ル 

re れ レ 

ro ろ ロ 

wa わ ワ 

 v う ヴ

n ん ン

Katakana Practice

Learning the katakana script

You may enlarge this chart and print it off for your usage. 
First you should click on the image and enlarge it:

We have also added flash cards that you may print off. 
You should first click on the image to enlarge them:

Here are all the katakana symbols 
with the correct stroke order:

a あ  

 i い

 u う

 e え

 o お

ka  か

 ki き

 ku く

 ke け

 ko こ

 sa さ

shi し 

 su す

 se せ

 so そ

 ta た

 chi ち

 tsu つ

 te て

 to と

 na な

 ni に

 nu ぬ

 ne ね

 no の

 ha は

hi ひ

 fu ふ

 he へ

 ho ほ

ma ま 

mi み 

mu む 

 me め

 mo も

ya や 

yu ゆ 

yo よ 

ra ら 

ri り 

 ru る

re れ 

 ro ろ

wa わ 

 v ヴ

n ん 

Writing katakana かたかなをかきます


You may print off the sheets and then you can practise writing your katakana. The red strokes show the order of writing, while the green strokes show a possible  relationship between hiragana and katakana to help you remember them. We have added stencils that you could cut up , if you want to make flash cards. You will find them at the bottom of this page.

well done!

Katakana is easy かたかなはやさしい

Katakana is the second syllabary that Japanese children have to learn. They learn it at a very early age, while playing at Playcentre, Kindergarten and more seriously at Primary School level. The script has exactly the same patterns as the hiragana script. Although that may seem strange, one has to remember that English has also got two sets of letters: small letters and capital letters, so not so strange after all.

Katakana symbols are used for all words that come from other languages than Japanese, Korean or Chinese. As in modern times the list of new words borrowed from English is growing, so more and more katakana words are added to the language.

The keyboard of a Japanese computer

Colourful charts help little children at home

Small electronic toys also help the learning process

And then there is hard work and practice

(Notice that this child still confuses hiragana and katakana)

ド レ ミ ファ ソ ラ シ ド
do re mi fa so la si do

and you practise… practise… practise…!

かなマスター Kana master

If all else fails, may be try wisdom…

ニューヨーク ザ ビッグアップル
New York The Big Apple

A name stamp for an ALEXIS

Here is an easy printable katakana sheet:
(just click on the sheet and it will open in A4 size)

Same idea, but the next chart would empty your colour printer cartridges:

Here is a wonderful video clip which demonstrates the katakana syllabary. Enjoy the laughter!

Here is a list of all the katakana with action pictures:


アスパラガス asparagus


インターネット internet


ウィークエンドパス weekend pass

エレベーター elevator


オープニングイベント opening event

カラオケ karaoke at the

ドレミファ クラブ Doremifa Kurabu
(As one patron noted to the other: That is So Doremifa!)

からオケ kara means empty and oke means orchestra. Now you know why it is so popular: music without effort, just for you and your friends.


The word katakana is actually written in hiragana as it is not a “borrowed word”. The Advertising World for you!

 keyword quiz campaign


クニマス a sort of trout


ケンタッキー Kentucky


コカコーラ coca cola


サンマルク sun mark


シマダヤ Shimada Shop


スピードマスター speed master


セキネ sekine
 [name of a clothing shop]


ソニー Sony

タクシー taxi

ターミナル terminal



チキンカレー chicken curry

ツーリスト tourist

There is a more commonly used Japanese word for

tourist: 観光客, or かんこうきゃく

テニス tennis

テーブル下ヒーター under-the-table heater

this type of heater is used in a so-called kotatsu


トマト ダイエット tomato diet


ナイキ Nike
we want a pair of those! 


ニュートン Newton

ヌメア Noumea 

Noumea is the capital of New Caledonia.  great place! beautiful weather! lots of Japanese tourists and lots of

いっらしゃいませ  irasshaimase Welcome

ネクタイ necktie
we would call it just a ‘tie’ 

 ノート exercise book
 the word comes from ‘note book’


ハンバーガー hamburger


ヒ hi
who knows what it means?    
there you have it: advertising for you!

フレッシュトマト fresh tomato

ファンタ Fanta

ヘルプ help
weird: only in advertising 

ホノルル Honolulu
the other places are:

ロンドン London
パリ Paris
バンコク Bangkok
シンガポール Singapore

and all that with

Edy’s 10000 yen a minute as a プレゼント present! 

マクドナルド McDonald’s

Say no more!   The Golden Arches

ミスタースパーコル Mr Sparkle
The mind boggles: something is clean, but who knows what?! Well, actually, one would think it read Mr Super Call, but it doesn’t.

The problem with this sign is there are two spelling mistakes on it. Mr Genuine Homer Imitation says: Hawaa Kuriin, but it should have been Pawaa Kuriin. Then one could have recognised the words Power Clean, which makes sense when combined with Mr Sparkle. Also when things SPARKLE in Japan, they should スパークル. Oh, well…

So annoying, when you stand in front of that shop and you can’t even read the katakana and then you realise it was a spelling mistake or two all along! LOL. Yeah…

Anyway, the advertiser meant well and hour Englsihs spilling ins’t two hot iether – so their!

ミルク milk

the cow-juice variety is called

牛乳 ぎゅうにゅう   milk

いちごムース strawberry mousse

ロールケーキ roll cake

the ‘mousse’ is pronounced ‘moo-se’ as in ‘Canadian animal’, not ‘mouse’  as in ‘rodent’, ‘vermin’. just in case you were confused. let’s not have strawberry vermin cake! LOL

メガネ glasses


モノレール monorail

ヤフー Yahoo


ユースホステル Youth Hostel 


ヨガ yoga with DVD!!! 

ラーメン raamen noodles 


明治ラブ Meiji Love

Meiji is a major dairy producer, everything from milk to chocolate. The name Meiji is the name of the first Japanese emperor of the new era.

カルシウム Calcium


リテイルシステムズ retail systems


ル ru
and more advertising… but what?


レンタカー rental car 

ロケットにんじん rocket carrot

just in case you were confused about the shape of the carrot, the picture should make it clear: rocket carrots fly into your mouth! 

ワンマン one man

there are no words in Japanese that begin with ン

the sign announces that the driver is the only official one man on board the train. the computer does the rest and ‘the other man’ is doing the computer and watching the camera. it also suggests: don’t bother the driver! 

ヴァレンタイン デイ

Valentine’s Day boom-be-dee-boom ドキドキ

Here are some extra modern Japanese katakana words:

アリガトウ ゴザイマシタ!

ありがとう ございました!

Thank you