Category Archives: Mirai 2-124

New Year’s Celebrations, お正月 おしょうがつ oshōgatsu and  出前

On this website we have been able to present you with photos of amazing dishes on grand occasions.  Indeed, some of our friends have been specially treating themselves for photography’s sake. (Yes, we have friends like that! Eat your heart out!)

New Year’s Celebrations お正月 おしょうがつ oshōgatsu

However, these photos are more low-key and they are the more practical side to organising a busy time for a family get-together. This meal is still quite expensive, but it shows a more pragmatic approach. 

For instance, elderly people do not have the energy during a cold time of the year to go shopping and to stand around in the kitchen preparing food. Grandma loves to have her children and grandchildren around her, but she is not looking for work. A daughter-in-law would take over, but the main food items are bought at the local food hall, taken home and “further got ready”.

Grandma already has all the crockery, the chopsticks ohashi お箸 おはし come from the food hall for the occasion and a variety of dishes is ordered. The food is delivered 出前 でまえ demae. More photos explaining the service are at the bottom of this page.

The daughter-in-law needs to only sort out what goes where and who wants what and what needs reheating, or further preparation.

A soup is a good starter. Some white-flesh fish, a mushroom, some “greenery” and a carrot for colour. This is an individual dish.

Another dish consists of shellfish, pickles and more fish. These boxes are “communal boxes”, so one takes what one wishes.

This container lacquer box お弁当箱お べんとうばこ obentō bako has meats and some eggplant and peas.

A whole snapper! Very expensive, particularly at that time of the year. Guests can pick at the white flesh to supplement their food. A snapper, or 鯛 たい tai, can easily cost up to $100, so it needs to be a special occasion for special guests.

The yellow on the left hand side represents a rolled and sliced fried egg, tamagoyaki, 卵焼き たまごやき (a sort omelette) and the yellow on the right is sliced lotus root. The distinctive holes create an interesting pattern on a plate. 

A dish of sashimi 刺身 さしみ adds to the variety and the choice for the guests.

Lastly a plate of beef 牛肉 ぎゅうにく gyūniku completes the meal. 

It is easy to prepare one’s own cooked white rice ご飯 ごはん gohan by using the electric rice cooker 電気炊飯器 でんきすいはんき denkisuihanki. Altogether a very expensive meal, a lot of variety and a minimum of fuss for a special occasion. No one has to slave for hours in the kitchen. 

The other good thing is that the dishes are easily taken care of: the lacquer boxes お弁当箱お べんとうばこ obentō bako can be returned to the restaurant after a rinse.

shinnen akemashite omedetō gozaimasu

Happy New Year!

food delivery 出前 でまえ


Depending on the restaurant service, they deliver on the ubiquitous bike, or even by van. Most people would have a menu already at home, so they can choose over the phone what they want and then the firm delivers. Very simple. One can pay at the door, or good customers could also pay later at the restaurant; that would depend on the relationship between the parties concerned.
food delivery 出前 でまえ demae

enjoy your meal!

Raamen noodles  ラーメン らーめん

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant
raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant
Apple raamen?!
Great green “noren” screen

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant
raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant
raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant
raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant
raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant
raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant
raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant
Most restaurants in Japan have a display window in front with plastic models of the dishes that are on the menu. This plastic food is so realistic that it almost looks delicious! These samples are photographed and repeated on the menu. That’s why it is so easy to find food in Japan! Look, point and eat! 

shokuhin sanpuru
“food sample”
raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant
raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

There are quite a few raamen resutoran in the area

resutoran no raamen
Raamen in a Restaurant 

いただきます。Itadakimasu!   Thank you for this lovely meal!

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

insutanto raamen
Instant Raamen
raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant
raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant
raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant

raamen resutoran
Raamen Restaurant
An excellent clip for instant raamen noodles:
For more information:

Fish in Hokkaido restaurant

Sushi in Hokkaido


Hokkaido is well-know for fishing and therefore fish is high on the traditional Hokkaido menu. Salmon, squid, tuna and other sorts of fish are widely consumed. Hokkaido also has sheep farms and some cattle farms, but this page is about delicious fish from Hokkaido. 

A takeaway lunchbox with Hokkaido fish.

The origami variety.

Crab meat is particularly sought after in many Hokkaido restaurants as the quality is exceptional.

One crab costs between NZ$150 and NZ$180.

The origami master’s impression.

On this platter one can see squid and different kinds of shell fish. 

This is salmon roe, a dish that is regarded a delicacy. Salmon roe is very high on vitamins and omega 3. It is eaten with a spoon, although sometimes one can see it on top of a sushi-bite, which has seaweed wrapped around it in order to keep the bite nicely together.

School lunches 給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

In Japan school lunches are provided and compulsory for students, so each child will have had a healthy lunch every day. This practice is instilled from the earliest Primary School years. 

Every day the menu changes, so over a long period of time students get a balanced diet. It also curbs the annoying desire of children to express the “I don’t like this” and “I don’t like that” and “I don’t eat that”. Mind you, not as annoying as parents who decide for their children that they don’t like something! Unless there is a sound medical reason, they all eat it. Annoying too when you think about the fact that one billion people in the world experience hunger at some stage during the day… OK… Let’s move on:

These photos will give you an idea of what Japanese school lunches look like:

High in iron, protein, omega; rice, soup, milk, seaweed, 
salmon, fruit, spinach, pickles. Notice: no sugar!

げつようび の きゅうしょく
getsuyōbi no kyūshoku
Monday’s school lunch

給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

Cheese, rice, kimchee (originally Korean), quail eggs, soup, milk. Notice: no sugar!

かようび の きゅうしょく
kayōbi no kyūshoku
Tuesday’s school lunch

給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

すいようび の きゅうしょく
suiyōbi no kyūshoku
Wednesday’s school lunch
給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

Have you noticed that every day the students have soup of some sort? That’s because research has shown that soup is easier to break down in the stomach and it does so more slowly. Students won’t feel so hungry so soon. Again: no added sugar! How great is that for children!

もくようび の きゅうしょく
mokuyōbi no kyūshoku
Thursday’s school lunch
給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

きんようび の きゅうしょく
kinyōbi no kyūshoku
Friday’s school lunch

給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

We’ll just start on another week’s lunch:

げつようび の きゅうしょく
getsuyōbi no kyūshoku
Monday’s school lunch
給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

かようび の きゅうしょく
kayōbi no kyūshoku
Tuesday’s school lunch

給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

すいようび の きゅうしょく
suiyōbi no kyūshoku
Wednesday’s school lunch

給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

Do we see some repetition here?

もくようび の きゅうしょく
mokuyōbi no kyūshoku
Thursday’s school lunch
給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

That’s a boiled egg on the left there – all prepacked.
きんようび の きゅうしょく
kinyōbi no kyūshoku
Friday’s school lunch

給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

So there you have it: two weeks of school lunches in a Japanese primary school. All lunches have some rice prepared in a slightly different way. They all have a soup of some sort to help with the digestion. They all have an extra carton of milk. They all have some meat or fish to supplement. They all have some vegetables and pickles and it all fits on an easy tray to make distribution in class easy.

Enjoy your meal!

給食 きゅうしょく kyūshoku

The photos were provided by S. Lowry, Japan. We are most grateful for his efforts.

Restaurant  レストラン

Going to a restaurant in Japan is a pleasant experience.

There are thousands of restaurants to choose from; different types of food and also different prices – from relatively yummy and cheap to stunningly beautifully presented and delivered food at extraordinary prices. Something for everyone. It also depends on the type of restaurant as to what formality is used by the waiter or the waitress.

Just assuming you are visiting a restaurant that fits somewhere in the middle, friendly, but not over the top.

Your friend at the table might ask you:

nani ni shimasu ka?
What are you going to have?

and you would say:

(whatever) ni shimasu.
I’m going to have (whatever).

Very useful phrases. Another fairly common, but more polite phrase you may hear is:

(whatever) wa ikaga desu ka?
Would you care for some (whatever)?

Then you could answer with:

(whatever) o itadakimasu.
I would like some (whatever).

Another way of asking someone about like and dislike would be:

tabetai desu
I want to eat


nomitai desu
I want to drink

These two phrases can both be made into a question:

~ ですか。

The Japanese waiter/waitress always repeats the order and then you reply at the end:

would you do that for me, please

Now we come to the more difficult part: how to change the direction of the request? For instance: you have had enough, it wasn’t quite what you expected, you didn’t like it all that much… How to do that without offending your hosts: 

If you didn’t like it all that much:

It is a little …

If you thought it was difficult to eat…:

It’s a little bit…

If you would like some more:

mo sukoshi kudasai
a little bit more, please.

Home delivery 宅急便 たっきゅうびん


Takkyūbin is a service that is used these days widely: it is a courier service. The service is fast; it is outside the Post Office organisation and it is direct. It costs, but the parcel arrives in time and in good order. This type of service has been widely available in Japan for a long time. The Black Cat Service is particularly well-known, but there are others. The system is based on standardised boxes, which is an idea that the Post Office has taken on as well since then. 


The Black Cat Service has vans well-marked and driving about delivering their cargo. Standard-sized boxes further speed up the process. Charges are transparent, the delivery is prompt and without hassles.



Door-to-door service

Even the snow could not keep them away.

This idea of fast service was then borrowed by the “Fast Food Industry”. Menus were designed to cater to the new clientele and with a small charge – of course – they were in business.


Delivery by bike!





And here we see the outcome of the business…

Conveyor belt sushi 回転寿司 かいてんずし

Conveyor belt sushi     回転寿司  かいてんずし  kaitenzushi
Conveyor belt sushi     回転寿司  かいてんずし  kaitenzushi
Conveyor belt sushi     回転寿司  かいてんずし  kaitenzushi
The great advantages of this conveyor belt type sushi are that the customer is more in charge of the menu, the kitchen finds it easier to organise the menu, the dishes are more easily organised and the bill is easily calculated at the end. Add all the dishes together, check the colour of the dishes and present the customer with the bill: everyone happy. The food supply is instant too, so there is no waiting. The sushi shop can easily vary the menu, if they want to.
Conveyor belt sushi     回転寿司  かいてんずし  kaitenzushi
The colour and pattern of the dish tell the price, so the bill is easily calculated. 
Conveyor belt sushi     回転寿司  かいてんずし  kaitenzushi
Conveyor belt sushi     回転寿司  かいてんずし  kaitenzushi
Must have been a great party!  Young people love it!
Conveyor belt sushi     回転寿司  かいてんずし  kaitenzushi
Conveyor belt sushi     回転寿司  かいてんずし  kaitenzushi
Conveyor belt sushi     回転寿司  かいてんずし  kaitenzushi

Raamen ラーメン らーめん

raamen   ラーメン らーめん

raamen   ラーメン らーめん

raamen   ラーメン らーめん

raamen   ラーメン らーめん

raamen   ラーメン らーめん

raamen   ラーメン らーめん

raamen   ラーメン らーめん

You can smell the taste!

raamen   ラーメン らーめん

raamen   ラーメン らーめん
raamen   ラーメン らーめん
raamen   ラーメン らーめん
raamen   ラーメン らーめん
raamen   ラーメン らーめん